What should I bring?
Be Prepared! 💚
Here is a partial list of items to consider...
sturdy shoes/sneakers or boots (flip flops or fashion sandals/sneakers may create issues). No bare feet (however we may remove our footwear at certain points).
socks (wool/wool blend or synthetic material preferred)
layered clothing (all cotton clothing is typically not appropriate for rain or cold)
sturdy pants or shorts
long sleeve/short sleeve shirt
jacket (waterproof may be helpful)
change of clothes in your car in case you get wet or muddy
water and maybe a small snack
small sturdy backpack
journal for capturing your thoughts
bug spray/tick repellent
We will be sitting. If you prefer to not sit on the ground, bring whatever you find comfortable to sit on (like a foam pad, small blanket or small camp chair). Remember you will have to carry whatever you bring.